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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Greatest challenged faced in college so far

                Coming into college this fall there have been many changes to my life and some are harder to face than others. It’s a whole new neighborhood and a whole new life where everyone is basically independent and able to do as they please. Being independent though comes with responsibilities. There is no one on top of your head telling you to do something or reminding you of stuff you have to do such as homework. You are alone to do what you want and no one will tell you what is right or wrong.             
                One of the biggest problems is balancing out the time you need for studying and the time needed for socializing. Since I am new to this school, along with the whole freshman class, I want to go out and socialize and meet new people. This is hard to do when given a lot of homework because you have to balance out when to do your work and when to go out. Sometimes the work is unbearable and time to go out is needed. But it is hard keeping up with your studies if there is a constant pressure of going out and socializing. Since I am independent now no one is there to stop me and tell me to do my work or to go in my room and study instead of go out.
                Being new to college everyone wants to go out and socialize with everyone but you have to learn when to stay inside and do your work. I believe that is the greatest challenge I faced so far in college because I am not use to this freedom of having no one on top of my head telling me to do my work and not to go out. I have done well so far but hopefully I can keep up with this and make sure I do all my work.


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