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Thursday, September 2, 2010

College Life

           College life at Southern Connecticut State University. This is a big step and most people work their whole lives to get where I am now. Those fortunate enough to attend must take this time to set their lives out and see where they can go. But what is college? To some it may seem as another step in their road to success, to others the beginning of the rest of their lives, and to most an amazing adventure one must take to succeed in future goals today.
College to me means a start of the next chapter in my life, filled with opportunities, whole new people, and an independent lifestyle. College is the start of the rest of everyone’s life. It is where you succeed to better your future and get a better job. College will broaden your horizons and show you how far education can take you. It shows the importance of having an education nowadays, and nothing is given, you must work hard and take what you want. You must put a lot of time and effort into what you are doing because nothing in life is given easy.
Diversity is another thing one will experience at college that will help them in the future. Learning to work and see different points of views from different people is a great life lesson to learn. Everyone is an individual and they all see thing s differently, so it’s better to accept the differences in everyone rather than trying to make everyone the same.
At this step in life everyone gets to see who is really important in their lives and worth sticking around for. I hope to find out who I really am and what I have to offer in this world. By attending college I hope to accomplish all my goals of becoming a strong independent person, and create a better future for myself. By sticking to my school work and grades I will be able to accomplish all this.

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