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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Psychology - Yes or No?

          When choosing a major in college it is important to really enjoy the major you choose because you will most likely be pursuing it for the rest of your life. It is essential that you know that you want to pursue this major for the rest of your life because you wouldn’t want to change your mind or be unsure about it down the road. If you end up changing your mind down the road then you have ultimately wasted your time and money. This is a very tricky subject because at one point you may like one subject but down the road find out that it’s not for you. This is why it is recommended that you take classes in different subject categories because then you have a variety of choices to see if they are the majors you want to pursue. Most college students don’t choose a major until their junior year and even then some are still unsure about it. It is different with every person and it is ultimately up to that person to decide what is best for them.
            The major I have chosen is Psychology. Psychology to me is a very interesting subject and has a broad variety of possibilities for the future. There are different fields of psychology that you can go into, such as: medical, educational, clinical, and etc. It is difficult to decide which the right one for me is but I believe that down the road I will figure it out and end up pursuing it. As of right now I’m still not too sure about my major, even though I have chosen psychology because I haven’t really researched any other possibilities out there, but I still have time for all that. I am currently taking a Intro to Psychology class and I can say that it is very interesting and I am leaning more on pursuing this field of study.


What is a Good Blog?

           What makes a good blog? Everyone has their own opinion on which blog is a good blog and what is good about each blog. A good blog is one that is interesting and unique from others. It stands out and catches the reader’s attention and makes them want to read more. A good blog shows creativity in the writing and is not only informative but gives an opinion that is interesting and shows the writers point of view. There is also a good amount of illustrations and links to go along with the writing. That is a major part because you need to have back up information on your topic that you are writing about and you need to have illustrations to have it stand out. Also a major part of your blog that catches the reader’s attention is the title. No one wants to read a blog when they see it has a boring title. Mostly everyone will not even look at the blog if the title is boring, that is why you should have a title that is unique and appealing to the public.
            After reading some blogs throughout the weeks, I will have to say that I have come across some pretty interesting blogs. But one blog that really stuck out at me was Oscar’s blog, I Write Sins Not Tragedies. His blog is very unique from others and just by looking at his page you could tell its going to be interesting. He also uses very unique titles that catch the reader’s attention.
            There are many other good blog posts out there and I don’t think I have found one that isn’t good. It is just that others are more creative and interesting in their posts rather than the same thing being said over and over again. Just remember to make it interesting and unique.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time Management Skills

For my digital storytelling project I was a bit confused at first on what to do with my project. I couldn’t decide on a topic to base my project on. After thinking about what interested me I thought of time management. Everyone needs help managing what they need to do in their lives. Time management is the key to success. If you can’t find time for things then you are never going to get done what is needed to get done.
Everyone has their way of managing their time. It would be interesting to see how a professor and a student manage their time and what different strategies they have. In order for a college student to be successful they have to manage their time wisely. What is a good way to manage your time? What are some tips on time management? What can I do to manage my time? If you are asking yourself any of these questions, you are more than likely in help of managing your time. There are tips online at the southern website that can help you with time management. There is also a study skills center in Engleman Hall that you can visit to help you with time management skills.        
For my project I intend to help others with their time management problems. If I cannot do so I will push them in the right path and show them where they can get help on time management. This is an important life lesson that you will not only need now but throughout your whole life. It is better to have good time management skills now than to try and change your ways later in life.

Southern Hockey Game

               One event that I attended so far here at Southern, was the hockey game this past Thursday, September 30. It was a game between rivals, University of New Haven (UNH) and Southern (SCSU). The game was very intense and each team did a great job. Even though Southern should’ve won on several occasions, it was still a great game and they tried their best.
                This hockey game was the first ever hockey game I’ve ever been to and seen live in person. It was one of the most intense games I’ve ever seen. Southern was in the lead going into the last quarter of the game, winning by two to one. It looked as if Southern was going to win this game with nine seconds left of the game, but then UNH ended up scoring within less than a second left of the game, to tie it up. At that point everyone started screaming and yelling because there was no way they could believe their eyes, and no one was expecting that to happen. Everyone thought the game was over and there was no way UNH could catch up.
                The game ended up going into overtime and both teams were playing harder than ever. Then as the game was going along Southern ended up scoring but there was a big commotion near the goal area that the referee didn’t end up seeing the puck go in. Even though the referee didn’t see it I know it went in and I know that Southern was the true winner of the game. The game ended in a stalemate but it was definitely worth going to see. After seeing this game I will definitely attend more of their games, and I encourage those who haven’t seen hockey being played live to go do so. 
                  SCSU Owls Hockey