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Friday, December 17, 2010

Reflection of Year

            When I first got to Southern I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to handle the amount of work. However, after a few weeks went by I realized that I needed to learn how to use my time wisely. I started to make set times to get my work done and make sure I set deadlines and goals for myself. I was starting to get bored with just going to class, the dining hall, and back to my room. I then realized that I needed to get involved on campus because just doing work and sitting in my room wasn’t making my semester worthwhile.
            On the day of the club fair I decided to go check it out with my roommate Chris. I went to the booths and ended up talking to some guys from the Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity and was interested. I ended up then going to their rush events and really liked it. I realized that this was something that could get me involved and really living life in my first semester at college. I ended up making friends and brothers that I know will have my back all throughout my college career.
            Some strengths that I have realized about myself this semester is that I work well under pressure. This also comes along with the weakness that I wait until the last minute to do things, but the pressure of it creates my best results. Another strength of mine is that I am very friendly and can create many resources that will be able to guide me through my college experience; Beta Mu Sigma Fraternity is a big resource that I can use that will help me throughout my whole life and I know I can get help at anytime.
 A weakness of mine I discovered is that I have a lot of trouble waking up early in the morning; even if I go to bed early my body just doesn’t want to get up early. I’ve tried to work on it and picked later classes for next semester so I don’t have such a problem with it. Another weakness of mine is that I am not able to juggle my time wisely and get work done early when I have some free time. I plan to improve on that next semester and get my work done early, so I can have more worry free, free time to do what I want.
            In my opinion I have grown a lot since I first got to college. I wasn’t as focused in high school, I didn’t know what goals I needed to set for myself and didn’t realize what a huge responsibility it is to be on your own at college. I came to realize that nobody is going to help me achieve my goals but myself and only I can make that happen. I’ve also realized that the friends you make in college mean a lot more than the ones in high school because you are together much more often and there is a much larger and diverse selection of people.  I think that most people grow a lot in their first semester of college because a lot of things force you out of your comfort zone and to get responsible for your own life. This causes you to become an individual and not follow others and be the leader of your own life.  
            I think that I have definitely taken risks this semester, not only academically but socially. I had to take a lot of risks when I decided to rush a fraternity, I knew absolutely none of them and had to walk in and be confident. I tried to challenge myself academically by pushing myself to set higher and higher goals for myself. I also took the risk of keeping my girlfriend from high school even though I knew the distance would be hard. I had to trust her with the distance and try and avoid the many temptations at college, which was really hard.
            I don’t really have any huge regrets this semester, only that I could have done better overall in school. I know I did decently, but I regret not being able to excel even more. I wish I had taken more time to focus on each class rather than wanting to sleep or go out and hang out with friends as much, but that’s not necessarily realistic for a college student. Next semester one of my biggest goals is to get all A’s and B’s. I know it will be really hard but I figure if I set that as my goal I’ll come closer than if I had no drive at all. I definitely don’t regret getting involved, it has taught me a lot about the campus, getting involved, and mostly about leadership. I know it took up a lot of my time but the rewards I took away from it are far greater than the lack of time I had.


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